In PDF417 font, PDF stands for Portable Data File and 417 signifies that every symbol character uses 4 bars and 4 spaces in a 17 module length. This high-density 2D barcode symbology can encode text, digits, files, and real data bytes. Key components of PDF417 barcode symbol includes - start pattern, stop pattern, module, codeword, row indicator, row and column.
Governmental and private organisations both employ PDF417 for a variety of purposes. Along with Data Matrix, PDF417 serves as one of the formats which can be employed to print stamps that the USPS will accept. The Bar Coded Boarding Pass (BCBP) standard for paper boarding cards also uses PDF417 as its 2D bar code symbol. The Homeland Security Administration chose the PDF417 standard as the machine readable zone technology for state-issued ID cards and driving licences that comply with RealID. Additionally, multiple countries start issuing passports and visas with PDF417 barcodes.
Sample of PDF417 Barcode Font

PDF417 2D Barcode Font label design by DRPU Software.
Error correction level of PDF417:
Rather of using check digits, PDF417 makes use of Reed Solomon error correction. The symbol can sustain some damage thanks to this mistake correction without any data being lost. Error correction levels should be at least level 2, according to AIM requirements. The quantity of data that needs to be encoded, the size, and the potential for symbol damage all affect the error correction level. The levels of error correction go from 0 to 8.
Dimensions in X and Y:
The width of the smallest bar in a printed codeword is known as the X dimension. The height of each row within the PDF417 sign is the Y dimension. The most common X to Y ratio for printing the PDF417 barcode is 1:3, which ranges from 1:2 to 1:5. It is possible to save a lot of space by reducing the ratio; however certain scanners cannot read ratios of less than 1:3.
Limitations for Row and Column:
The symbol may be made in a variety of ways by adjusting the number of rows and columns. The PDF417 barcode symbol can only have 30 columns and 90 rows, though. Remember that just the amount of data columns in the symbol is being picked when choosing columns. Two row start columns and two row stop columns make up the standard PDF417 barcode sign. There are just two row start columns in truncated PDF417. Some decoders and scanners can't reliably read more than 20 columns.
Designing Procedure:
Barcode designing procedure of PDF417 2D barcode font with Barcode Designing View method (for demonstration) is shown below. You can also select Barcode Settings method for designing barcodes.
➨ Barcode Technologies and Font Type Selection: To insert barcode on card, click on barcode icon from drawing tools. Double click on inserted barcode to work on its property.
From barcode property window, choose Barcode technology with font type and go to value tab, to enter barcode value along with header and footer values. You also have another options in PDF417 font like PDF mode, Columns, Rows, EC levels etc.
➨ Size Settings: To set X Dimension and various margins for PDF417 Barcode Font, go to Size tab as shown above.
➨ Specify Card Shape and Dimension: Set your desired card shape, name, size and border etc. as per requirement using Card Properties.
Click on Print Setting icon, to print your designed PDF417 barcode font. Then choose one of the printing modes.
➨ Printing using Manual Mode: In Manual mode, you can manually set page properties (like paper, orientation, width, height etc.) using Edit button and margins. Select printer and go to print button to proceed.
➨Barcode label printing: You can print multiple created PDF417 barcode labels via Thermal Printer easily, software allow user to add any specific printer to print barcode labels. After clicking Print Button, you will get your sheet printed.
➨Printing using Pre Define Label Stock Mode: In Pre Define Label Stock mode, you can select pre define label product with product number. Connect a Laser printer according to your choice and press “Print” button.
➨ Barcode Label Scanning Process: Your designed PDF417 Barcode Label is now ready to use. It can be scanned using any 2D barcode scanner.