Databar Expanded can encode the 14-digits GTIN. This Barcode font is widely used for Fresh Food Industry. A variant of the GS1 Databar Omni directional barcode is the GS1 Databar Expanded barcode. The sole difference between the two is that extended barcodes, which utilise Application Identifiers in both the linear and 2D components, can include more characters than the Omni directional, which has a maximum character limit of 14. The barcode can now contain additional information, such as the product's weight, expiration date, batch number, and other important details, in addition to the product itself. The extended and Omni directional barcodes are mostly utilised for POS and Retail.
Sample of Databar Expanded Barcode Font

Sample of Databar Expanded Barcode Font designed using DRPU barcode label maker software.
Possible 2D Composite Components:
The smallest of the 2D Composite Components, CC-A is a MicroPDF417 barcode variation that can encode up to 56 digits.
A subset of the MicroPDF417 barcode, known as CC-B, may encode up to 338 digits. When the amount of data to be encoded is greater than what CC-A can handle, encoding systems often choose CC-B automatically.
Databar Expanded supports the following characters:
Only the following special characters are supported: !, ", %, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,(Comma), -, /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, _, and space character. Barcode font supports all numeric digits (0-9) and all uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z and a-z).
Error Correction: The check digit in the GS1 Databar Expanded utilises the modulo 211 (mod 211) technique to fix errors.
Pros: The GS1 Databar Expanded barcode not only supports more data than the Omnidirectional barcode, but it also supports stacking, allowing you to convey even more sequential information.
Cons: The enlarged barcode is longer than the Omnidirectional due to the greater capacity, which somewhat negates the small size that is one of the Omnidirectional's main selling points. Symbols, punctuation, and other special characters are not supported by the barcode, despite the fact that it does support both letters and numbers.
Designing Procedure:
Here, we are going to design Databar Expanded using Barcode Designing View. You can also choose Barcode Settings module of DRPU Software. Go to drawing tools from toolbar and add barcode on your label by clicking on barcode icon. Double click on barcode to open its properties window.
➨ Barcode Technologies and Font Type Selection: Choose your desired barcode technology with font, then go to value tab to set barcode value, composite data, header and footer etc. Composite data component refers to 2D symbol component appears at the top of linear barcode.
➨ Size Settings: To set designed barcode height and X-dimension along with header- footer margins, top-bottom or left right margin, go to size tab.
➨ Specify Card Shape and Dimension: Specify shape, name and size etc. of card to generate your barcode label.

After completing your designing process, go to print option and select one of the printing modes (Manual Mode or Pre Define Label Stock Mode).
➨Printing using Manual Mode: In Manual print settings, set all required fields as per your need, then press print button to proceed. To change page properties, go to edit button.
Databar Expanded Barcode Font can be printed on the roll using Thermal Printer (for eg: Zebra TLP2844).
➨ Printing using Pre Define Label Stock Mode: You may also choose another option for printing your designed Databar Expanded barcode font.
➨ Barcode printing process: Databar Expanded Barcode Font labels sheet is displayed that is printed using Laser printer.
➨ Barcode Label Scanning Process: Databar Expanded Barcode Font is now ready to use. You can scan these small size barcode font with a barcode reader.