About UPCE Barcode Font
UPCE barcode is the compact form of UPCA barcode that has 7 total numerical digits, 6 of which are used to represent the product's information while the seventh digit acts as a checksum. UPC-E is also known as the "Zero Suppressed" variant of UPCA because it eliminates all beginning zeros from product information numbers and all ending zeros from manufacturer information numbers. They are exactly half as big as UPC-A barcodes that are typically used on items with extremely small packaging because a complete UPC-A barcode would not fit in such a small space.
There are typically 2 different bar heights used to write the UPC-E barcode. Usually, the height of the bars encoding the actual barcode value is shorter than the height of the left and right guard bars. Whenever a barcode scanner reads a UPC-E barcode, the results are always produced as uncompressed UPC values since all the eliminated zeroes are reinserted at the moment of scanning.
Sample of UPCE Barcode Font

UPCE Barcode Font Sample.
UPCE barcode encodes a total of eight digits including 6-digit numerical data, a number system digit, and a check digit. There are a total of six components that make up a complete UPCE symbol-
- Leading Quiet Region
- Start Character (Guard Bars)
- Encoded 6-digit Numerical Data
- A modulo-10 Check Digit
- Stop Character (Guard Bars)
- Trailing Quiet Region
Guard Bars
The start character (guard bar) is composed of three modules including a narrow bar (nb), narrow space (ns), and narrow bar (nb).
The stop character (guard bar) is composed of six modules including narrow space (ns), narrow bar (nb), narrow space (ns), narrow bar (nb), narrow space (ns) and narrow bar (nb).
Add-on Symbols
There are two-digit and five-digit add-on symbols (additional barcodes) that can be inserted to the right of the UPC-E barcode symbol. The manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) and dates are typically added by using these add-on symbols in magazines, textbooks, and weighted goods like food.
Advantages of UPCE Barcode
- UPCE barcode is very beneficial for labeling compact packets due to their smaller size.
- It includes a check digit that guarantees accuracy when manually entering a code.
Limitations of UPCE Barcode
- UPCE is a type of barcode that only encodes numerical values; it does not encode alphabetic letters or other special characters.
- The amount of data that can be encoded is restricted by the predetermined length, which makes it appropriate for grocery stores but ineffective for transmitting more complex information.
UPCE Barcode Applications
- Primarily used in the USA and Canada for warehousing and retailing.
- Commonly used for food-related products.
Convert UPCA Barcode into UPCE Barcode
A 6-digit UPCE code is created from a 12-digit UPCA barcode. The following conditions show how to convert a UPCA code into UPCE format.
Condition 1: If the manufacturer code terminates in 000, 100, or 200, the UPCE barcode is made up of the first two digits of the manufacturer code, the final three digits of the product code, and the third digit of the manufacturer code. A valid product code ranges from 00000 to 00999.
For example, 12000-00547 converts into 125470.
Condition 2: If the manufacturer code terminates in 300, 400,500, 600, 700, 800, or 900, the UPCE barcode is made up of the first three digits of the manufacturer code, the final two digits of the product code, and the digit “3”. A valid product code ranges from 00000 to 00099.
For example, 12800-00096 converts into 128963.
Condition 3: If the manufacturer code terminates in 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, or 90, the UPCE barcode is made up of the first four digits of the manufacturer code, the final digit of the product code, and the digit “4”. A valid product code ranges from 00000 to 00009.
For example, 12360-00009 converts into 123694.
Condition 4: If the manufacturer code terminates in zero, the UPCE barcode is made up of the entire five digits of the manufacturer code, and the final digit of the product code. A valid product code ranges from 00005 to 00009.
For example, 12345-00007 converts into 123457.
Note: In order to convert UPCA codes into UPCE codes, only UPCA codes with the number systems "0" and "1" are supported.
Create UPCE Barcode Labels
Generate and print UPCE barcodes by using Barcode Label Maker Software. For demonstration purpose we are using Barcode designing view panel to design barcode. You also have Barcode Settings option to generate barcodes. After completing your designing process, click on print icon from standard toolbar and choose print mode either Manual or Pre define label stock mode.