MSI Plessey is a numeric-only linear font. MSI Plessey Barcode Font is widely used in publishing and retail applications. It is also used for inventory tracking on the library shelves, warehouse environments, storage containers etc.
About MSI Plessey Barcode Font
MSI Plessey (another name is Modified Plessey) is an upgrade of the Plessey Code which was created by Plessey Company of England in 1971. It is a numeric-only and variable-length barcode symbology that is created by a company named MSI Data Corporation.
This barcode symbology is further described as a non-self-checking and continuous barcode meaning that there is no inter-character space between successive data characters. The white space between characters serves to represent data.

Sample of MSI Plessey Linear Barcode Font.
Why did the MSI Plessey barcode replace the old Plessey Barcode?
MSI Data Corporation created the MSI Plessey barcodes to overcome the drawbacks of Plessey Codes which is one of the most error-prone barcode types and doesn’t properly store numbers. Plessey Codes are now becoming outdated and the majority of the barcode scanners are incompatible with them. MSI Data Corporation introduced an optional check digit to the MSI Plessey in order to increase the stability of the code and enable its continued usage in specific applications.
The MSI Plessey barcode does not accept characters or symbols; it only supports the numerical digits 0 to 9. It makes use of a four-bit binary number format. The printing of each bit results in a bar/space pair that is three modules wide. The MSI Plessey barcode consists of the following components-
- Leading Quiet Zone
- Start Character (wb, ns)
- Encoded Numeric Characters
- Any One Check Digit (Mod 10 (most common), Mod 11, Mod 1010, Mod 1110)
- Stop Character (nb, ws, nb)
- Trailing Quiet Zone
Where wb – wide bar, ns – narrow space, nb – narrow bar, and ws – wide space
The main usage of the MSI Plessey barcode is to mark shelves in grocery stores, libraries, warehouses and other types of storage areas for inventory control.
Create MSI Plessey Barcode Labels
Generate high-quality custom MSI Plessey barcode labels by using DRPU Barcode Label Maker Software. You can save the designed barcode labels in image as well as pdf format for future reference. You can also print bulk number of MSI Plessey barcodes on a single sheet of paper at a same time.