LOGMARS Barcode Font stands for Logistics Applications of Automated Marking and Reading Symbols. It is generally used in shipment of military items. Corporate Edition barcode software has facility to generate multiple LOGMARS barcodes with different value and size according to your business. LOGMARS includes numbers (0-9), Uppercase letters (A-Z) and special symbols (. $ / % + -).
Logistics Applications of Automated Marking and Reading System (LOGMARS ) is a useful application of Code 3 of 9 (Code 39) used by the US Department of Defense and is governed by the military standard MIL-STD-1189B. LOGMARKS contain information not only about where the barcode should be placed on a military shipment but also about what information should be encoded into the barcode. The LOGMARS military barcode font is encoded in the Code 39 barcode.
Logmars barcode itself does not have a check digit, but it can be considered self-checking on the grounds that a single erroneously interpreted bar cannot generate another valid character and it does not require a checksum digite, modulo 43 check element may be appended for increased data integrity. LOGMARS is just about the only type of barcode font in common use that does not require a checksum, which makes it especially attractive for applications where it is inconvenient or impossible to perform calculations every time when a barcode is printed.
Application Area: LOGMARS stands for Logistics Applications of Automated Marking Symbols, and it is primarily used in various barcoding labels, like name badges, inventory, and other industrial apps.
Designing Procedure of Logmars:
Here we are using Barcode Designing View method (for demonstration purpose) to create sample of LOGMARS barcode font. Barcode maker software also have Quick Barcode Mode option to generate your barcode font.
Barcode Technologies and Font Type Selection: Click on barcode icon from drawing tools to insert barcode image on card then double click on barcode to open its properties. To generate your desired barcode font, first you need to specify barcode technology (Linear or 2D) and font type. Next step is to set value of barcode with header, footer and other values.
Size Settings: Go to size tab to set bar height, density and margins then proceed to next step.
➨ Specify Card Shape and Dimension :

Go to card properties to specify card name, shape and size (height and Width) accordingly to fit your barcode inside it.
Choose one of the printing modes (Pre Define Label Stock or Manual) as per your printing requirement, after clicking print icon from toolbar.
Print Settings using Manual Mode : In Manual mode you have to specify various print settings like page properties (using Edit button) and print options manually.
To use already defined print settings of different label products, go to Pre Define label Stock mode of printing.
Print Settings using Pre Define Label Stock Mode : In 'Pre Define Label Stock' select desired Label Product with its product number and set printer. Click on Print button to proceed.