International Standard Book Number is used as book, newspaper identifier. ISBN 13 linear barcode symbologies encodes information to identify book wholesalers, publishers, distributors etc. ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique commercial book identifier based upon the 9-digit Standard Book Numbering developed by Gorden Foster. The ISBN 13 barcode is used to monitor data in the book publishing industry. The 10-digit ISBN barcode was created by the International Organization for Standardization and was published in 1970 as international standard ISO 2108. Since In January 2007, the ISBN was redefined from a 10-digit to a 13-digit that is compatible with Bookland EAN13. A similar numeric identifier, ISSN, identifies periodical publications such as magazines and newspapers. Barcode Label Maker tool creates ISBN 13 linear barcode font and print designed barcode with any type of printer (E.g – Laser Printer, Thermal Printer, Inkjet printer etc.).

Sample of ISBN 13 Barcode Font designed using DRPU Barcode Software.
Understand the Elements of ISBN 13 Numbers
- Prefix Elements: The prefix element of any ISBN number is 3 digits, and it is at the start of the ISBN 13. Currently, it is only 978 or 979 element.
- Registration Group Element: A group element is helpful to identify the particular region or language in which the book is written. Digits from the Registration Group Element can range from 1 to 5.
- Registrant Element: By using the registration element, we can know who is the publisher or publication house of the book. Element can be 0 to 7 digits.
- Publication Element: This element helps us to identify the special edition of the book title and the publication. The element can be up to 6 digits.
- Check Digit: The check digit is the last digit of an ISBN number, and it is only a single digit. which validates the other digits in the ISBN 13.
Why ISBN Number Required?
An ISBN identifies the registrant, title, edition, and format of products, and it is helpful for tracking records of books. ISBN 13 is important for paperbacks, e-books, and hardcovers, so each has its own ISBN number, which is important for ordering, identifying, sales reporting, and inventory control.
ISBN is a unique identifier number used by publishers, booksellers, libraries, internet retailers, and other supply chain participants for ordering, listing, sales records, and stock control that also recognizes the registrant as well as the specific book title, edition, and book format.
Benefits of ISBN 13 include:
- ISBN is a unique identifier for monographic publications. Assigning a number replaces the handling of long bibliographic records, thereby saving time, staff costs and reducing errors.
- International lending rights in some countries are based on ISBN 13. Such schemes enable authors to receive payments proportionate to the number of times that their books are lent out by public libraries.
- ISBN13 is machine-readable in the form of a 13-digit EAN-13 barcode. This is fast and avoids the mistakes of book publishing. It is required for the running of electronic point-of-sale systems in bookshops.
- Accumulation of sales data is done by the ISBN 13 barcode. The ISBN enables the varying successes of different product forms and editions of publications to be monitored and enables comparisons between different subject areas and different publishing houses.
- ISBN facilitates the compilation and updating of book-trade directories and bibliographic databases, such as catalogues of books-in-print and with it, information on available books, which can be found easily.
- Ordering and distribution of books are mainly executed by ISBN 13, and it is a fast and efficient method.
- Correct use of the ISBN 13 allows different product forms and editions of a book, whether digital or physical, to be differentiated, ensuring that customers receive the version that they need.