EAN stands for European Article Number. The EAN8 is composed by 7 data digits and +1 checksum digit. EAN8 is derived from EAN13. It includes 2 digits Country Code, 5 digits Product Code and a checksum digit.EAN 8(European Article Number barcode) is derived from EAN13. The EAN8 barcode includes a 2 or 3 digit country code, 4 or 5 data digits depending on the length of the country code, and a checksum digit. While it is possible to add a 2-digit or 5-digit extension barcode, the main purpose of the EAN8 code is to use as little space as possible, and it was developed for use on small packages where the EAN13 barcode would be too large, for example, cigarettes, pencils, chewing gum packets, and other products.
EAN8 is a linear barcoding system that consists of 7 digits of numeric plus 1 check digit, and the first two or three digits identify the numbering authority. Unlike the UPCE symbol, which compresses data that could also be printed as a full-size UPCA symbol by squeezing out zeroes, the data digits in an EAN-8 symbol specifically identify a particular item and manufacturer. EAN8 barcodes are available in each country; they are issued only for products with insufficient space for a normal EAN13 symbol, such as a 2-digit country code that permits a total of only 100,000 item numbers.

EAN8 Barcode Font Sample designed by DRPU Barcode Design Software.
Structure of EAN8 Barcode
- Starts sentinel encoded as 101 with left-hand guard bars.
- Two number system characters are encoded as left-hand odd parity characters.
- The first two message characters are encoded as left-hand odd-parity characters.
- 01010 is the code for centre guard bars.
- The last three message characters are encoded as right-hand characters.
- Check digit, encoded as a right-hand character.
- Right hand guard and end sentinel, encoded as 101.
Function of EAN8 Code
EAN8 barcode is a unique combination of numbers, and every product that is sold within Europe is assigned such a number. EAN makes it quicker and easier to distinguish between different products.
EAN8 numbers make it possible to uniquely identify a product and help to reduce administrative expenses in the warehouse and other logistical costs many times over.
In the retail sector, checking out is by far the easiest and most time-efficient option. Employees simply have to scan each product, as opposed to entering each product's price details individually, and customers can also learn more about a product by scanning its barcode and researching it online.
Who uses and what are the advantages of EAN8 codes?
Producers and suppliers, using EAN8 primarily in the grocery sector, mark their products with EAN8 codes. It is also used in retail, technical industries, warehouses, construction, and the healthcare sector. EAN8 is a part of GS1’s global standards, which means that you, as a producer or supplier, can easily do business all over the world. EAN8 barcode is used in exceptional cases to mark small packages and items with an item number. It is used to mark packages that have limited space for a barcode and will pass a checkout.
- By marking an item with an EAN8 code, it can be easily scanned by a scanner at the checkout point or by the consumer itself when self-scanning.
- By scanning the barcode instead of manually entering a GTIN into the cash register system, there is a lower risk of errors.
- That also saves time and reduces queuing in stores.
- Maximize the reliability and efficiency of e-commerce.
- Optimize your inventory management and increase your competitiveness easily and quickly.
- EAN8 also helps sellers and consumers easily search for and find products worldwide.
- Who uses and what are the advantages of EAN8 codes?