Code 128 is a high-density barcode symbology that allows the encoding of alphanumeric data and provides a facility to encode 128 characters of ASCII. The Code 128 SET B symbology contains a checksum digit for verification, and the barcodes can be verified character by character. It has been widely used in the shipping and packaging industries for item identification.
The Code 128 barcode has been widely implemented in various applications where large amounts of data must be encoded, including 0-9 digits, A-Z letters, and all standard ASCII symbols and control codes. Code 128 is divided into three parts: A, B, and C. Code 128 Set B linear font consists of start-stop character, check character, digits etc. Barcode generator tool provides facility to design or create Code 128 Set B linear font using barcode settings mode or barcode designing view mode as per your requirement. Here we are using barcode designing view for demonstration purpose.

Sample of Code 128 Set B Barcode Font designed using DRPU Barcode Software.
Code 128 SET B Structure
Every aspect of Code 128 has 106 different printed characters, having primarily three different meanings, and every aspect has three bars and three spaces of varying widths. In code 128, different start characters inform the reader which of the character sets is originally in use, while three-shift codes permit changing character sets inside a symbol. Specifically, there are 103 symbols like three start and two stop symbols. Code 128 SET B has six sections:
- Two quiet zones
- Start character
- Encoded data
- Check character
- Stop character
Applications of Code 128 SET B
Code 128 is widly used worldwide, such as its subset GS1-128. It plays a primary role in supply chains and inventory in different industries due to its ability to store highly detailed product information. This data can include the manufacturing date of the product, open date, weight of the item, etc. Listed below are some of the applications of the code 128 SET B:
- It is common in the shipping industry to identify containers and products.
- They are used in the packaging and wholesale industries to identify and label a variety of products. For instance, companies like FedEx use Code 128 SET B barcodes on packing slips for automatic delivery and tracking.
- It is widely used for labeling in the healthcare, drug, and medical equipment industries. For example, it is used to label blood transfusion products, such as by marking the Donor Identity Number.
- Used in industries like apparel, food processing, and the medical instrument industry.
- Code 128 SET B is used in the logistics and transportation industries for orders and distribution.
- It is widely used in combination with code 39 in all advanced brick-and-mortar companies.
Advantages and Limitations of Code 128 SET B
Among linear types, Code 128 SET B allows generating the most compact barcode labels with the highest data density, and the amount of input information to be encoded can be varied depending on business needs, thus allowing users to create barcodes taking very little space. Code 128 barcode types provide instruments to ensure data integrity through parity bit checks and checksum controls.
The Code 128 barcode uses four different bar sizes, and therefore, it requires high-quality printers to print out labels. Dot matrix and ink-jet printers do not apply to printing out such barcodes, such as flexographic printing on corrugated cardboard, which is not supported either.