Self- Checking Codabar Barcodes are constructed from four bars and three spaces. Codabar linear symbology consists of digits (0-9), start/stop characters (a, b, c, d) and special characters (. : / + - $). Codabar is a discrete self-checking barcode symbology that can encode 16 different characters and an additional 4 start/stop characters. Because the Codabar barcode is self-checking, most standards do not define the check digit. In the Codabar barcode, each character contains 7 elements; 4 bars and 3 spaces that are separated from their adjacent characters by an additional narrow space. Each can have a narrow value of 0 or a wide value of 1).
Codabar supports up to seven different heights that are provided in seven different fonts with different names like S1 or S2 with each one of them representing a different height. It is even possible to print Codabar codes using typewriter-like impact printers, which allows the creation of a large number of codes with numbers without having to use a system. For example, in mechanical mile counters, after each printed code, the printer's stamp is mechanically turned to the next number.
Application Area
- Codabar is extensively used in medical and surgical equipment for simple encoding and decoding techniques.
- Used in the shipping industry to identify packages and shipments.
- It is also used in educational institutes and academic organizations.
- Codabar is applied to the tube for blood test specimens in order to confirm the individual ID.

Sample of Codabar Barcode Font designed using DRPU Corporate Edition Barcode Software.
Why use Codabar?
Codabar is widely supported, with most commercial barcode scanners like lasers and handhelds being capable of reading it. Codabar barcodes are simple to design and print. In many cases, a special font is all that is required, but no special software is required. Codabar is ideal for numeric data applications where its relatively low density is not an issue. It is used by FedEx on air bills, US libraries for item and location tracking, photo labs, United States blood banks, etc.
Advantages of Codabar
- Codabar is large and spaced, making it easy to scan and even easily print by the printer.
- It is scanning and self-checking, which eliminates errors when entering the code.
- Codabar font can be printed on a simple dot-matrix printer.
- It is an extremely versatile barcode standard that can be encoded and decoded by all types of printers, ranging from simpler to complex ones.
- With the simplest barcode standard, not much user training is required to understand the encoding and decoding techniques.
Limitations of Codabar
- Codabar can encode only numeric digits from 0-9 and a small set of characters.
- It has a very small fault tolerance for damage and destruction, and it is not easy to recover data even if a small portion of these barcodes is damaged.
- If a large amount of information has to be stored, like other linear barcode types, its length has to be increased.
- Disadvantages of Codabar are that it is quickly going out of style and being replaced by other, more efficient product identifiers.
How to Generate Codabar
We will discuss how to generate label using DRPU Barcode Software with Barcode Designing View module. You can also design barcode labels using Quick Barcode Mode of Software. Software provides 2D and linear barcode symbologies to design your labels that have a much higher capacity for data storage and can capture a barcode in any orientation, reducing scanning labor. Barcode maker tools are designed to create labels for tracking inventory levels, sales, orders, deliveries, and other warehouse or distribution centre needs.