Barcoding system is useful to identify items with different structure and product information. There are two types of barcode symbologies – linear barcode and 2D barcode. DRPU Barcode Software - Corporate Edition supports all major linear and 2D barcode symbologies. You can choose your barcode according to industry need.
Linear Barcode Fonts
Linear barcode is a pattern of black and white line which encodes product information. Our DRPU Barcode Software - Corporate Edition supports all major linear barcode font standards including Code 39, Code 128, EAN13, EAN8, Industrial 2 of 5, UPCA, UPCE, Postnet, USS 93 etc. Choose linear barcode font according to industry requirement.
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Different types of Linear Barcode Symbologies

2D (Two Dimensional) Barcode Fonts
Two-dimensional barcode (2D barcode) is small in size that stores large number of information in both horizontal as well as vertical direction. DRPU Barcode Software supports all major 2D barcode font standards. 2D barcode can represent more data per unit area.
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Different types of 2D (Two Dimensional) Barcode Symbologies

Linear Barcode Vs 2D Barcode

Linear barcode displays combination of narrow and wide bar with white space and store data in horizontal direction. 2D barcode represent data in horizontal and vertical direction. Other than general appearance, there are some technical differences between linear and 2D barcode. Linear barcode store only small number of digital and ASCII character, on the other hand 2D barcode store thousands of digits and ASCII character.
2D barcodes can be used to contain multiple pieces of information in a minimal space and linear barcode grows wide as you pack more information in it.
One major benefits of 2D barcode is its compressed size and ability to encode large volume of data into single barcode. 2D barcode can be easily decoded in any direction.