Mobile Device Barcode Scanner
To enable your mobile device (mobile phone, smartphone, tablet etc.) to decode barcode data information, you need to install barcode scanner application. There are various types of barcode scanner applications available on the internet, choose any one according to your requirement and download it to install on your mobile.
Working Procedure of Mobile Device Barcode Scanner
Follow these steps to read barcode information using mobile device barcode scanner : -
➨ Barcode Placement :
Run your barcode scanner application and place your mobile device on the barcode. To scan the barcode, make sure it must be placed inside the viewfinder rectangle area and the viewfinder red line must be perpendicular to the barcode's black bars. Another thing to be noted is that you must keep your mobile device stable while scanning the barcode label, otherwise, it will not be properly recognized.
➨ Decode and Search Barcode value :
As soon as the barcode gets placed and scanned in the viewfinder rectangle, its value with other details will be displayed. You may get a different number of options (shown in the above screen - Product search, Web search) according to the barcode font type. Go to the Web search option to search details corresponding to the value decoded by the barcode scanner application.