Code 128 Symbology contains numeric digits, 1 check character, variable symbol length, 107 unique characters, encodes all 128 characters, etc. The Code 128 linear barcode font has been commonly implemented in many businesses to encode large amounts of data or information in a small amount of space. The Code 128 barcode has been implemented in various applications where large amounts of information or data must be encoded.
The Code 128 barcode includes 0–9 digits, A–Z letters, and all standard ASCII symbols and control codes. Code 128 is divided into three subsets: Code 128 A, Code 128 B, and Code 128 C. Code 128 is the highest-density linear barcode that is widely used in applications where a relatively large amount of data must be encoded in a relatively small amount of space and store dynamism and complexity, representing both alphanumeric and numeric characters without sacrificing barcode density.

Sample of Code 128 Barcode Font designed using DRPU Barcode Software.
There are two ways to create your barcode label either using Quick Barcode Mode or Barcode Designing View. Here, for demonstration purpose we are using Barcode Designing View to design barcode label.
CODE 128 Applications
CODE 128 provides the barcode with very high data density if only numbers are handled. GS1-128 makes use of the characteristics of CODE 128 and is currently used in many industrial applications and includes data such as the product's manufacturing date, open date, weight, size, lot number, destination, customer's account, and so on.
Application Area of CODE 128
- The U.S.A. apparel industry
- Food processing industry in the U.S.A.
- The pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries in the United States of America.
- The food industries in Australia.
- European pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries.
CODE 128 Features
- Code 128 requires 6 elements to encode a character, 3 bars, and 3 spaces, which makes it compact and concise, storing a large amount of data in a small barcode.
- When CODE-C is used as the start character, one bar pattern can represent two-digit numbers. This allows very efficient barcode composition. If the barcode data has 12 or more digits, CODE 128 provides a smaller size than ITF.
- Code 128 encodes all the ASCII characters without cumbersome procedures, unlike code 39 which could encode only 6 special characters.
- It provides more security over encoded data and minimizes the chances of error while scanning.
- It uses the least amount of label space for messages of six or more characters with high message integrity.
Limitations of CODE 128
- It has four different width variations for each encoded character. It is not easy to print barcodes with four different width variations per barcode element.
- More advanced scanning devices are required to scan code 128 barcodes, whereas code 39 can be scanned with any general scanning device.
- Code 128 is also subjected to distortions and can be damaged easily like other linear barcodes, Code39, EAN13, EAN8, I2of5, UPCA, UPCE, Codabar, GS1 Databar, and GS1 128.
- Code 128 utilizes four types of barcode size; therefore, flexiable printers with high print quality are required . CODE 128 is not suitable for printing with dot matrix printers, ink-jet printers, or flexographic printing on corrugated cardboard.